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Back to School Night
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Added Oct 01, 2020
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Welcome back parents and students to the 2020-2021 school year.
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October 1st I am mr. Miller if you are on my page that means your child has me for physical education just a few notes on myself is my 50 or teaching phys-ed health and drivers I love teaching driver's ed I I really enjoy when my students passed a test and see the excitement on their face I cannot wait for us to get back to in-person teaching I'm tired of being home I spend some time summer getting out to the beach with my family I have two sons one is a High School freshman the other is in middle school I spent a lot of my free time with them and my wife playing sports playing music and nothing else that's fun I play guitar and my kids play piano so we enjoy spending days jamming supply list your child's going to need sneakers always have them laced up a safe place where they could do warm-ups in the house if possible while we are remote notebooks for a notebook pencils pens for notes computer internet access we will be using zoom and Schoology virtual learning schedule de Azar. 12348 and remote tutoring jb4 BJ's are. 5678 and remote tutoring synced synchronous learning days synchronous just means we're live or live days are on Zoom they will be always on the first day of the week that we meet so there could be a or b depends on what day it is those days will always fall on a Monday or Tuesday they must sign in with their real name if they don't they can will be removed from class or not admitted attendance is taken if they are not admitted and I don't know who they are they will be marked absent or late for the day when I use zoom I have been using YouTube videos of bike coaches and trainers to demo the skills and exercises I don't have the equipment here we follow up the discussion of the videos with discussion and activities and we class with a test asynchronous days these are the days we are not live we are not on Zoom these days are typically going to be Wednesday Thursday and Friday I use uachs. you will find everything there any lessons even the synchronous day lessons are there my emergency backup if School G or Zoom go down we will use Google classroom and Google meet lessons the students do have this information they have been put into my Google classroom what we will learn we will focus more on cognitive and is learning while we're remote there will be some psychomotor stuff psychomotor basically performing some exercises cognitive is more learning the strategies and skills and rules of support my goal and phys-ed is to get my students to be physical healthy and lifelong Learners have them learn to take care of their bodies through exercise and proper diet behavior is very important percent of your child's grade another 30% will be home or classwork and 40% of their grade AR test as far as condicoes they have to be respectful comply with classroom policies and procedures use and treat equipment properly when we get back be present and on time parent forms please if you think they are going to come back for hybrid learning fill out the form actually fill out this form regardless that way we have a good idea of what's going on if you need to contact me this is my information I'm available 8 a.m. to 2:50 Monday through Friday and if you'd like to meet in person reach out send me an email and we will set up a day while it's remote it will be on Zoom one Wego hybrid we can meet in person if you like I hope you and your child amazing year this year and stay safe stay healthy and see you soon
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