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Back to School Night
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Added Sep 30, 2020
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back to school night at uachs here at uachs I have been teaching for 4 years and you know a lot of the times I see tell me that Matthew Steinman all of this stuff that was the end of the year you know what's my personality I think that a lot of the times that you're capable of doing it and so if you replied you'll see the virtual learning schedule the classes obviously have been split you should already noticed the day a schedule and the baby schedule and so for the day AA schedule I will be doing lies infection baby schedules I will be doing a live demonstration with. 5 through 7 once a week so I usually post everything if your child says I don't know what to do with in the charges if he's out of the to class just tell them check schoology will have everything that you need and I usually do Zoom sessions if today a fart on Monday then I will do some sessions on Mondays and Tuesdays and then if they be starts on Monday for that week that I will do them to spend on Tuesdays and Wednesdays just once a week the rest of the week I usually do pre-recorded videos and videos videos I do think attendance required every day every day every soda is required to post either the words I understand or the words. It instructions for a day during class time so if you do not write I understand instructions, if you read you read on schoology all the instructions if you listed there every single day I usually try to do it the night before so that when students wake up or even students are up at night to see what is already booked for the next day so that they don't have to worry about it in the morning or a couple minutes before class so I do like to do that I do ask for all students have at least two device the reason for that is because I would really appreciate if students can download to calculate 84 apps it is a free graphing calculator that's online with a great I love it and it would be beneficial for food that they can familiarize themselves with the different types of them techniques within the calculator and I think that's the whole I bet you're about to see so so nice to virtually and that's it for virtual learning students one device for Zoom meetings and the other to use to calculate 84 app students must have a notebook for math class at virtually as well as when they have to are weeks sessions will be held on Mondays and Tuesdays synchronous classes once a week for j a b Student Assignment instructions that's very important student should always on daily assignments posted on Schoology patient care for students in order to practice the skills learned in class students will be using iexcel for students must attend every session assigned as well as comment for every assignment discussion will receive an accident you cannot, after or before school hours students must participate for every session will receive a zero for participation or message me on schoology for how during 1:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m. school days drugs or are caught copying from others will receive an automatic zero some important forms that I think that you guys might like the first one is disputing contract that I handed out virtually on schoology on the first day of school reform for all parents how is awesome and thank you so much for watching have a great night
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