Harassment, Intimidation, & Bullying
Mission Statement
The mission of the Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying Initiative at University Academy Charter High School is to provide a warm, safe, and understanding environment for all students regardless of race, gender, or ethnicity. Our school is based on the philosophy that everyone can make a contribution to the betterment of the world and individuals working together. At University Academy Charter High School, we make every attempt to curtail any behavior in our school and during all school activities that we feel are a detrimental to maintaining a positive environment and may hinder the learning of our students. The school’s HIB Initiative has a primary goal to reduce hostile behavior and aggressive attitudes, and is dedicated to enhancing the learning experience of our students and community. We strive to promote a life long love of education and ethical behavior that our students can take with them after they graduate and move forward into their adult lives.
Jennifer Carlson
Anti-Bullying Specialist
University Academy Charter High School
(201) 200-3200
E-mail: [email protected]
Michele Bruce
Anti-Bullying Coordinator
University Academy Charter High School
(201) 200-3200
E-mail: [email protected]
New Jersey Department of Education
School Climate State Coordinator
The following has been provided for informational purposes:
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