University Academy
Charter High School

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The next UACHS Board of Trustees Public Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday November 13, 2024 @ 5:30PM in the school multi-purpose room...

Freshman Academy and Testing for New Students

Freshman Academy is aimed to best prepare our 9th grade students for the high school experience at UACHS.

We take pride in the academic success of our students, so it is very important that we ensure our 9th graders are well equipped with effective skills and strategies for academic progress.

The Freshman Academy is a 2-week program that will be held:

Monday-Thursday, July 25-28 and August 1-4

  • The sessions start at 8:30 am and go to 1:00 pm.
  • Students must report to the school by 8:15 am each day.

Students will attend classes in English, Mathematics, Science, Music, Physical Education, and Freshman Success. We are also working on scheduling a tour of the NJCU campus for the students.

Students who have not previously completed their summer assessments in English and Math will take those tests during Freshman Academy. (Please see below for further information about summer testing for new students.)

We want your child to greatly benefit from this program. This can only happen if your child attends the program daily, arrives on time every day, and actively participates in all activities Attendance will be taken for each class and students are expected to attend all classes. Lunch will be provided each day.

We look forward to your child’s active participation in the Freshmen Summer Academy. Please call the school at (201) 200-3200 to register and ask any questions.

Testing for Incoming Students

All incoming students must complete testing in English and math during the weeks of July 18 or August 9, according to the schedule below, or during Freshman Academy.

One of the ways that we get to know our new students is to assess their skills in English and math during the summer. Testing will take approximately three hours, beginning at 9am and ending at 12pm. You may join your student for a tour of the school at 12:15pm if you wish. Students who finish the tests early may call home to be picked up by a parent. 

Please call the school (201-200-3200) to register your student for one of the testing sessions below. A maximum of 20 students may test each day.

Tuesday, July 19                     Wednesday, July 20                            Thursday, July 21                  

Tuesday, August 9                  Wednesday, August 10                       Thursday, August 11