University Academy
Charter High School

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The next UACHS Board of Trustees Public Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday October 9, 2024 @ 5:30PM in the school multi-purpose room...

Remote Learning Schedule

Beginning, Monday, November 30, UACHS will return to an A/B schedule that is somewhat different from the previous remote learning schedule. Please see below:
UACHS New Remote Learning Schedule
  1. DAY A schedules are now always on Mondays and Wednesdays, and DAY B schedules are always on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Fridays will have all classes for 29-minute periods in the morning.
  2. Afternoon tutorials are now REQUIRED for ALL STUDENTS. Please see the schedule above. Students are expected to join the sessions on time (see times below) and attendance will be taken.
  3. The "whatever I need" sessions are NOT mandatory, but students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the additional support available during the "whatever I need" tutorials, when they can login with the teacher of any class they need help with.
  4. Advisory sessions are now optional, but available for any student who wishes to check in with their mentor.
  5. Each class will have at least one synchronous/live session per week in addition to Friday. Teachers will post the schedule on their class pages on Schoology and/or GoogleClassroom. Please see each teacher's page on the school website for information on where class assignments and meeting schedules can be found.